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Will be involved in vaccinations by county health. After smallpox vaccination using gauze occlusive dressings 1.-how long do you advise leaving on? and 2.-how often changing? Have experience in early years of my practice and remember cases of auto vaccinations, etc.

Wed Nov 06, 2002 5:46 pm 

Vaccinations in Healthcare Workers

I too have been concerned about vaccinations sites resulting in autoinnoculation as well as a hazard to patients of vaccinated healthcare workers.

We work in a large cancer hospital, therefore a majority of our patients are immunosuppressed. Is there a time period that persons receiving the vaccine should avoid patient contact or is an occlusive dressing enough to protect patients?

Also, as others have asked what is the time period that this dressing should be worn?


Mon Nov 18, 2002 12:13 pm 

Wound dressing questions

Does anyone know what products are being recommended as occlusive dressings for the vaccination site?

I am also curious how to expect the wound to scab-over if covered with an occlusive dressing. Any thoughts? How critical is the scab to determine if the vaccination was successful?

Fri Jan 03, 2003 12:14 pm 
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